I am very much looking forward to returning to Westminster when Parliament resumes next week. A lot has happened over the summer recess and we need to be able to raise a number of constituent concerns with Government as well as scrutinise Government action on schools, travel, business support and health policy.
I am very much looking forward to taking on these tasks in partnership with the new Leader of the Liberal Democrat party Sir Ed Davey. Ed has a positive vision for the country's future as well as a detailed understanding of policy, and I know he will work tirelessly to achieve his goals of a fairer and more inclusive society.
I went to Barnes today to speak with some of the local businesses and find out how they have been affected by the recent closure to foot and cycle traffic. Like the local residents, they are very keen to see this addressed as quickly as possible.
I also had a productive cross-party meeting today with the local MPs and council leaders on both sides of the river. There is widespread frustration at the failure of the Department for Transport to engage so far and we agreed to keep working together to push for a response.
I have a number of important updates on various aspects of the process to share with Barnes residents. Please click here for my letter to all of you about the Bridge.
If you have not already signed our petition calling on the Government to act on this, please go to: https://www.trlibdems.org.uk/hammersmithbridgepetition
Following last week’s update, I can confirm that the southern runway works will resume on Tuesday 1 September at 8pm. This will mean the southern runway will be closed for repairs 8pm to 7am Monday to Friday. Flights will operate from the northern runway during the night period. They anticipate the works to be completed in early October and I will keep you updated as frequently as possible. More information about the works can be found here.
Kingston Council has launched a survey that looks at how the last few months have affected residents, what support they may need and how they feel about the future. This will help them to understand what support is needed in the future and where the council needs to direct limited resources. It's an online survey on the council's engagement portal Let's Talk.
If you have a budding young artist in the family, take a look at the Colouring in Kingston website run by two students in their final year at Kingston School of Art. Colouring in Kingston is a community project which calls for young artists to draw pictures relating to specific subjects which are then digitized and brought to life. The current theme is Cleaner, Greener Kingston which focuses on our wonderful, natural environment. All submissions will be displayed on the Colouring In Kingston Instagram gallery and then at locations around town later in the year.
The Council is in the early stages of developing a new approach to housing provision and asking for help from residents to shape a new inclusive strategy for the borough. They are reviewing the range of accommodation available across Kingston to understand where there are gaps so they can meet the needs of people at every stage of life. To let them know what you think please Complete the survey.
There has been positive feedback from the Bentalls Centre management that recent footfall is slightly up on this time last year. This is very welcome news for the borough as our economy recovers from the impacts of the last five months. Please do wear a mask at all times inside the Bentalls Centre, though, unless you are eating or drinking or otherwise unable to wear a mask.